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Summer Registration

Summer School Sessions

  • Check back in 2025 for summer schedules

Students Visting From A Non-USC Campus

Are you visiting us from a college outside of the USC System and want to register for a course at USC Sumter this Summer?

Enroll as a Transient Student:

  1. Click here to view the summer course schedule. 
  2. Click here to apply as a non-degree seeking student (additional intructions will be provided).
  3. Upon completion of your course, please be sure to submit a request to have your transcript sent back to your home institution.


Students Enrolled Within The USC System

  • You do not need to apply for admission, simply meet with your academic advisor or visit the Registrar’s Office on your campus to complete the special/concurrent enrollment request form (additional instructions will be provided).  
  • Click here to view the summer course schedule. 


Freshmen, Transfer, and Readmit Applicants 

  • Click here to apply (Additional intructions will be provided).
