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CIC Big Interview

This virtual interview is designed to:

  1. Prepare you for future job interviews and is required in order to schedule a Mock Interview with the CIC career services manager. Students need to earn an “AI Score of Silver” or better.
  2. Inform you about Big Interview, our self-serve interview preparation tool that you can use throughout your job search.

Pre-Mock Big Interview:

Step 1:    Create a Big Interview account. (Instructions below)

Step 2:    Complete the Pre-Mock BIG Interview.

We have pre-selected eight interview questions to which you will respond and then review your interview.  You will be allowed to re-try your answers two times with a limit of three minutes per answer.

Instructions for accessing and using Big Interview

  1. For the best experience, use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to complete the assignment.
  2. Create an account
  3. Select REGISTER in the top right menu and follow the instructions to create a profile. Create your account using your USC email address.
  4. After signing in to your account, select ASSIGNMENTS on the homepage.
  5. Input your unique Assignment Code, which is cf9bfe, and then select GO.
  6. Select Question 1, and then select START RECORDING.  Answers should be shorter than three minutes. .
  7. Once Question 1 is complete, select STOP RECORDING.
  8. Select SAVE ANSWER.
  9. Select NEXT QUESTION to continue to Question 2. Repeat until all eight questions are complete.
  10. Once your interview is complete, select SUBMIT or SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT.
  11. Ensure each of the 8 videos are “processed,” then select SUBMIT FINAL ANSWERS.
    Once you SUBMIT FINAL ANSWERS, no additional changes/edits can be made to the assignment. 

If you experience technical difficulties, email technical support and copy your instructor.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.