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Academic Advising

Common Field of Study Restrictions

Courses may be limited to specific student groups, such as those pursuing a particular minor. Certain colleges may designate specific sections for non-majors or may open these courses to students with minors and other non-major students at a future date.

Fall 2025 Common Field of Study Restrictions and Section Open Dates 

*This information is as accuracte as possible as restrictions continue to be added and removed. The most up to date information is available in Self Service Carolina on each section of a course. 

Course Notes Keywords
(hidden column)
MKTG 350 Sections: 004 only open to Business minors and non business majors; all sections will open to all students who need the course starting April 18  
MGMT 371 sections: 001, 004, 006, 008, and J11 open to Business minors and non business majors who need the course for degree completion, all other sections restricted to DMSB majors  
MGSC 290 All sections will restricted to DMSB majors  
MKTG 351 All sections will open to BADM minors and other majors, which require the course for degree completion, starting April 18th  
MKTG 352 All sections will open to BADM minors and other majors, which require the course for degree completion, starting April 18th  
ENTR minor courses All other courses in ENTR minor offered through DMSB are open to minors on 4/18  
RETL 261 Open to the College of HRSM majors and ITEC majors only until April 18th and then open to Retailing Minors.  
RETL 262 Open to the College of HRSM majors and ITEC majors only until April 18th, then opened to RETL minors. Pre-Req: RETL 261.  
RETL 242 Open to the College of HRSM majors until April 18th and then open to Retailing Minors. Pre-reqs: ENGL 101 and ENGL 102.  
RETL 265 Opens to RETL and BAIS majors, then open to RETL Minors on April 18th, then opens to HRSM majors on April 25th.  
RETL 268 Opens to RETL and BAIS majors, then open to RETL Minors on April 18th, then opens to HRSM majors on April 25th.  
RETL 350 Opens to RETL and BAIS majors, then open to RETL Minors on April 18th, then opens to HRSM majors on April 25th.  
RETL 351 Opens to RETL and BAIS majors, then open to RETL Minors on April 18th, then opens to HRSM majors on April 25th.  
RETL 115 Open to the College of HRSM majors only until April 21st, then open to RETL Minors.  
SPTE 110 Open to all majors  
SPTE 201 Section: 003 open to SPTE minors only. All others sections open to SPTE majors only  
SPTE 202 Section: 003 Open to SPTE Minors, Event Management Minors, Music Industry Majors and Minors, and Music Entrepreneurship Minors only, section 001 restricted to SPTE majors. section 002 opens to minors 4/18.  
SPTE 203 Open to SPTE Majors. Opens to SPTE Minors and Event Management Minors on 4/18/25.  
HTMT 110 Sections 001 and 002 open to all. section J10: Restricted to seniors/juniors, section J11: restricted to service mgmt majors  
HTMT 275 No current restrictions  
HTMT 280

sections 001 and 002 open to all. section J10: Restricted to HRSM majors. section J11: restricted to service mgmt majors

HTMT Other 200 level Open to all majors  
HTMT 300 level Restricted to HRSM majors. Open to HRSM majors and minors 04/18/2025. Open to all 04/25/2025.  
HTMT 344 Restricted to HRSM majors  
ECON 221 Open to business/econ majors only. Open to minors, and other majors which require the course for degree completion, starting April 18th.  
ECON 222 Open to business/econ majors only. Open to minors, and other majors which require the course for degree completion, starting April 18th.  
ECON Courses (except 224) Open to business/econ majors only. Open to minors, and other majors which require the course for degree completion, starting April 18th.  
CHEM 102 All sections are restricted to Nursing majors only. Need department permission  
PSYC 120 Restricted to PSYC majors (freshmen restriction is in the process of being removed). Override form:  
PSYC courses Restricted to PSYC and NSCI majors. Open to PSYC and NSCI MINORS on 4/18/25. Open to all on 4/25/25.  
NSCI 300 Restricted to NSCI majors and minors. Open to all on 4/18/2025  
POLI 300+ Restricted to International Studies and Political Science majors. Open to ALL on 04/25/2025.  
POLI 215 Not offered.   
HPEB 553 Course restricted to Senior, Junior, Sophomore Public Health Majors and Health Ed and Promo minors; will open to Exercise Science majors on April 18  
HPEB 470 Course restricted to Senior and Junior Public Health Majors and Health Ed and Promo minors; will open to sophomores on April 18  
HPEB 300 Course restricted to Senior and Junior Public Health Majors and Health Ed and Promo minors; will open to sophomores on April 18  
HSPM 412 Restricted to Arnold School PUBH and CVT majors only. Open to Juniors Seniors, & Sophmores only on 04/18/2025. Open to all 04/25/2025.  
HSPM 500 Restricted to Arnold School PUBH and CVT majors only. Open to Juniors Seniors, & Sophmores only on 04/18/2025. Open to all 04/25/2025.  
COMD 500 No restrictions  
ENHS 321 No restrictions  
CSCE 104 Open to ITEC, Info Science, and Industrial Eng majors only; Open to minors and certificates Apr 18  
CSCE 106 Open to Engineering and Computing majors, Data Analytics and Data Science majors only; Open to Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Statistics majors, minors and certificates on Apr 18  
CSCE 190 Open to CSCE majors only  
CSCE 201 Open to Engineering and Computing majors and Cyber Intelligence majors only- Open to minors and Digital Studies certificate Apr 18  
CSCE 211 and higher Open to Engineering and Computing majors and Engineering Physics majors only- Open to minors on Apr 18  
FAMS 110 Sections 004, 005, and 006, open to FAMS majors and minors only, All other sections open to all  
FAMS 240 Restricted to FAMS majors, open to all on 4/18  
FAMS 300 Section J10 open to FAMS majors only, all other sections open to all   
SPAN 303, 312, 316, 375, 381, 400, and 401 No restrictions  
BIOL 243 Restricted to NURS, CVT, PHARM, PE, Public Health: Field of study overrides will be processed on 8/15/2025. BIOL override request form:  
BIOL 243L Restricted to NURS, CVT, PHARM, PE, Public Health: Field of study overrides will be processed on 8/15/2025. BIOL override request form:  
BIOL 244 Restricted to NURS, CVT, PHARM, PE, Public Health: Field of Study overrides will be processed on 4/21/2025. BIOL override request form:  
BIOL 244L restricted to NURS, CVT, PHARM, PE, Public Health: Field of Study overrides will be processed on 4/21/2025. BIOL override request form:  
BIOL 250 Restricted to NURS, PHARM: Field of Study overrides will be processed on 4/21/2025. BIOL override request form:  
BIOL 250L Restricted to NURS, PHARM: Field of Study overrides will be processed on 4/21/2025. BIOL override request form:  
PHIL 213 Sections 005 and 008-010 restricted to Nursing-Generic, B.S.N. majors, all other sections open to all  
STAT 206 Section 005 Restricted to Data Analytics majors, all other sections open to all  
ENVR 321 Restricted to juniors and seniors  
ENVR 201 Sophomore standing or above  
ENVR 322 No restictions  

Last updated on March 14th, 2025. 

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