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Academic Advising

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Transfer Partnership Summit

Under the leadership of former President Pastides and President Rhames, 2021 initiated increased collaboration between Midlands Technical College and the University of South Carolina in transfer articulation activities.  Stakeholders from MTC and USC met candidly and collaboratively to discuss the current transfer process between the two institutions.  The results of those conversations created a global MOU that provides structure and consistency managed within the Provost’s Office to establish direct transfer tracks for students who begin their college experience with MTC with plans to transfer to USC.  The direct transfer tracks promote associate degree attainment prior to transition to USC and guaranteed admissions to USC to those students who meet admissions requirements.  


Third Annual Midlands Technical College (MTC) and University of South Carolina (USC) Direct Transfer  Summit


As stated in the USC/MTC MOU, the two institutions are required to meet annually to support faculty and advisors to strengthen and develop transfer pathways.  We are excited to announce the Third Annual Direct Transfer Summit held at the University of South Carolina, Columbia Campus where faculty, advisors, and administrators from MTC and USC will meet for a day to engage in the challenging and rewarding work surrounding the transfer student experience.  


Monday, May 12th from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm.


University of South Carolina
University Conference Center in the Close-Hipp Building 
1705 College Street
Columbia, SC 29208


Event Registration takes place at the University Conference Center on the 8th floor of the Close-Hipp Building.

Who Should Participate

Any advisors, faculty, administrators from Midlands Technical College and the University of South Carolina who work with majors that are part of the Direct Transfer Pathways for students. 

Why Should you Participate

  • Network with colleagues who advise, teach, or assist students in the transfer tracks
  • Get up-to-date information on how these transfer tracks will be implemeted
  • Share best practices that each institution uses
  • Explore and collaborate on how to better serve our students in these transfer tracks
  • Share ideas on what is working well and what is not.
  • To understand the purpose and process of these transfer tracks, from admissions to graduation


Parking for MTC participants is available on the Close-Hipp surface lot.

USC participants should utilize their day-to-day parking spaces.

University of South Carolina Campus map

Previous Years Booklet


2023 Transfer Summit Digital Booklet

Digital Booklet



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
