School of Music Centennial Celebration
Video footage:

100 Years of Music at CarolinaSing Thy High Praise
Students select USC for culture and faculty
People, program and place make USC School of Music an appealing choice for voice and choral students.
Opera production prepares students for diverse careers
Ellen Douglas Schlaefer believes an audience can get as involved with an opera as they can at a football game.
It’s fundamental
Theory and history faculty at the University of South Carolina School of Music educate their students about the mechanics and foundations of music-making.
Opportunities and Connections
Hands-on learning opportunities and industry connections lead to exponential growth of Music Industry Studies.
Learn and Grow
School of Music students and faculty engage in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular public education and outreach. Enhance music skills through opportunities like Public Music Theory and Sounds of Columbia classes, the Spark Collective and Fuse Ensemble, or earn a Master's degree in Performance with a concentration in Community Engagement.
For the Community -